Having mastered the arts and sciences of his age, Elizabethan magus Dr. John Dee (15271608) resolved that worldly knowledge could no longer provide him the wisdom he desired, and as did so many other learned men of the day, he turned his attention to magick. In 1582 he and his clairvoyant partner Edward Kelley made magical contact with a number of spiritual entities who identified themselves as angels the same that communicated with Enoch and the patriarchs of the Old Testament. Over the next 3 years they revealed to Dee and Kelley three distinct magical systems of vision magick. The third and last of these incorporated a series of calls to be recited in an angelic language in order to raise the consciousness of the magician to a level where angelic contact is possible. A 6.1″ x 8.9″ Paperback book with 304 pages.
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